Saturday, May 24, 2014

I don't even know what "Living room-ready" means

My dad is a selling artist (his medium is paint), and has been less-than impressed with the idea of me kind of putting the paint brushes to the side and putting my cutting mat down instead. While he continues to support my decision and help me along with my process, he keeps encouraging me to make things that are "living room ready" or, as a fellow artist friend of mine put it, "nursery ready"
I understand the concept, and really had the intention of making this piece of art to be one of those things..... I wouldn't say its QUIIIITE nursery ready, but I'm gettin' there.

Unrelated add-in: Before today I had maybe 200 blog views in the 4 or 5 months of having it. In the last 30 minutes those numbers have tripled. I didn't know it was humanly possible to sweat so much by just sitting still, but its happening. All over this new couch I figured I needed.

$45 plus $5 S&H 

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