Saturday, May 24, 2014

Mirrors arent meant for picking yourself apart

I remember when I was in high school, when my mom first got sober I would sit in my room and cut out little cartoon characters of my friends out of paper. Right after high school I moved to Wilmington and met a guy and fell so in love with him that I forgot all about who I was, and became his girlfriend, and not much more than that. 

It wasn't until I started this whole process that I was able to remember what I did before I tended bar, and before I became "the girlfriend"
I started on this one after having lunch with a friend of mine. She is absolutely gorgeous, young, talented and motivated. But her skin is a mess, and I get the feeling that its her form of self-harm. I saw a lot of what was a younger me in her scars and I think I needed to make this to tell myself that it's okay to look in the mirror and love what you see, warts and all. No more picking at myself, physically or mentally. I didn't finish it, but sometimes I get the impression that I don't finish the things that I have the most trouble with facing. 

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