Saturday, May 24, 2014

A retraction of my former self

I started this blog with the intention of posting everything I made, and kind of making this a chronicle of my life and the evolution of my art. I can't say that I've done the best job keeping up with it, but I guess now is the best time to start with that whole process. I quit the only job I ever knew about six months ago, in a desperate attempt to force myself into a situation that left me hungry to produce (and hopefully...eventually) sell my art. The process has been, and will continue to be on-going and CERTAINLY not easy, but working with my hands is what I know... and I have ideas that are bigger than just posting a status on Facebook. I find that my process of making and producing is so cathartic that I make and add to to-do lists all the time. The work is never finished, and its the most freeing and therapeutic thing I've done to date. With all that being said, I started this whole thing thinking I was going to be a painter. I promised myself I was going to paint 100 paintings and then figure out where my style was, what I enjoyed painting the most, blah blah blah. I got to about 50 and really just felt like I wasn't doing what I wanted. The medium is SO much fun, but damn it sure is a hard thing to do. I'm not saying I quit painting, but I definitely have to be true to what I want to make and that's paper art. This whole life of ours is a body of work, so I'm just in the middle of one of my first chapters. So here goes nothin'...

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