Tuesday, June 10, 2014

My foot hurts

Sometimes I wonder where I used to lose all of my time before I started making and creating. What I would do on my days off, or even why I felt validated in letting myself have a day off. It seems like now-a-days if my wheels aren't turning, then I better have a really good reason for it.

I woke up yesterday morning, and my foot was on fire. After a simple google search, the internet said it's either cancer, I broke my foot or I have a bunion. Or maybe I just bruised it. So fine, I figured that is a sign to take it easy at the gym this week. Rolling with those punches,  I drove over to the craft store because I needed more blades... I bought the place out of their blades last week, and they don't get a shipment in until Friday. Fine. I went home, got online, and tried to buy the blades that I use in bulk. The website says they are out of stock.

Shit. Sometimes life forces us to calm down. I figured that was a sign that I needed to sit still yesterday... rest my foot, rest my hands and take a day off... Which is the hardest thing to do now that I have a real career goal. Even taking the 30 minutes it takes to type this blog post I have to mentally force myself to not get up and say this is a waste of time.

I'm not gonna spend the next four days waiting for that store to re-up on the things I need. I guess I just have to make do with what I've got. Maybe I need to do something else, or learn something new that doesn't require the tools I don't have right now.

So, even though I promised myself I would take the day off yesterday, I still went into the studio and spent a few hours messing around with the dull blade I had. I figured I might as well make another flower. Maybe I'll put a bouquet of them together if I continue to cut them out. That might be neat looking. So anyway, heres a picture of me with the thing I cut yesterday.
Why a picture of me AND the flower I cut, you ask? For a few reasons:
 1. Because girls always have to find an excuse to take a selfie.
 2. Because my blades are dull that flower kinda looks like shit up close. 
3. Cause I look adorable, duh. 

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