Monday, July 28, 2014

The grass is greenest where you water it

Sold in a floating glass frame
$35 including shipping and handling
email me if you're interested


I'll admit I havent been the best at keeping this blog updated. Art is a tricky mind game for me. I sit down to do something and the hardest part seems to be getting past the hump of negative self-talk. Why do I think I deserve to do this? No ones going to like it. No one cares about art, and no one cares about MY art. All of these things I know aren't true. But when I spend the majority of my time working with these thoughts, little mistakes happen... Bob Ross would call them happy accidents I guess, but I don't think there can be happy accidents with a fragile medium like paper.

Oh well. Onto the next, I guess.

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Deeply connected with intuition and wisdom

If you asked me a year ago if I would be where I'm at today I'd probably laugh about it. I'm not just talking about where I am in the physical world, but how I feel, and what I'm working toward. My brother introduced me to this guy Dallas Clayton that does kids books... One of my favorite pieces by him says, "I'm excited to see where this is all going"

Sold in a floating glass frame, $65 plus $10 shipping and handling

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

If I know better... I don't know better

The evolution of my artwork has been an interesting one, and is still (and always will be) in flux. I'm not gonna lie about it, I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing. Some days I walk into the studio with one idea, and leave having completely forgotten about my original plan. Other days I'll just sit and stare at my cutting mat and think how I'm being a complete chicken head and should give up my hopes for a 9 to 5. I'm learning this is my fuel that keeps me there all day, and keeps me coming back.

With all that being said, heres a video of a piece of paper I cut today. Why tree bark? I have no idea. Like I said... I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing. But I'm not gonna stop now.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

"Sit still ho, I'm tryin to kiss you"

Alright, here is some serious truth:
Starting back at the bar made me realize how mentally, physically, and creatively taxing it is to do that kind of work for me. Please don't mistake that last sentence as me being ungrateful or bitter about being back behind a bar - I don't mind the work. But I never understood that I could find work that feels natural and leaves me with more energy until I was able to tap into my creative side a little bit more.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

My foot hurts

Sometimes I wonder where I used to lose all of my time before I started making and creating. What I would do on my days off, or even why I felt validated in letting myself have a day off. It seems like now-a-days if my wheels aren't turning, then I better have a really good reason for it.

I woke up yesterday morning, and my foot was on fire. After a simple google search, the internet said it's either cancer, I broke my foot or I have a bunion. Or maybe I just bruised it. So fine, I figured that is a sign to take it easy at the gym this week. Rolling with those punches,  I drove over to the craft store because I needed more blades... I bought the place out of their blades last week, and they don't get a shipment in until Friday. Fine. I went home, got online, and tried to buy the blades that I use in bulk. The website says they are out of stock.

Shit. Sometimes life forces us to calm down. I figured that was a sign that I needed to sit still yesterday... rest my foot, rest my hands and take a day off... Which is the hardest thing to do now that I have a real career goal. Even taking the 30 minutes it takes to type this blog post I have to mentally force myself to not get up and say this is a waste of time.

I'm not gonna spend the next four days waiting for that store to re-up on the things I need. I guess I just have to make do with what I've got. Maybe I need to do something else, or learn something new that doesn't require the tools I don't have right now.

So, even though I promised myself I would take the day off yesterday, I still went into the studio and spent a few hours messing around with the dull blade I had. I figured I might as well make another flower. Maybe I'll put a bouquet of them together if I continue to cut them out. That might be neat looking. So anyway, heres a picture of me with the thing I cut yesterday.
Why a picture of me AND the flower I cut, you ask? For a few reasons:
 1. Because girls always have to find an excuse to take a selfie.
 2. Because my blades are dull that flower kinda looks like shit up close. 
3. Cause I look adorable, duh. 

Friday, June 6, 2014

Hey look, my 41st blog post

If I could make a career out of the things I DONT want to do I would be well versed in it by now. Making 6 figures would be a walk in the park. It's a real learning curve to pick ONE thing to do and just roll with it. 

So, heres a flower thing. I think I might do a series of flower things. Because who doesnt like flowers things?'

Email me if youre interested in this little diddy. Or maybe just email me anyway.... I donno the last time I got just a regular ol' email.