Monday, July 28, 2014

The grass is greenest where you water it

Sold in a floating glass frame
$35 including shipping and handling
email me if you're interested


I'll admit I havent been the best at keeping this blog updated. Art is a tricky mind game for me. I sit down to do something and the hardest part seems to be getting past the hump of negative self-talk. Why do I think I deserve to do this? No ones going to like it. No one cares about art, and no one cares about MY art. All of these things I know aren't true. But when I spend the majority of my time working with these thoughts, little mistakes happen... Bob Ross would call them happy accidents I guess, but I don't think there can be happy accidents with a fragile medium like paper.

Oh well. Onto the next, I guess.

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Deeply connected with intuition and wisdom

If you asked me a year ago if I would be where I'm at today I'd probably laugh about it. I'm not just talking about where I am in the physical world, but how I feel, and what I'm working toward. My brother introduced me to this guy Dallas Clayton that does kids books... One of my favorite pieces by him says, "I'm excited to see where this is all going"

Sold in a floating glass frame, $65 plus $10 shipping and handling